Telford Solutions Inc.

Soil Enhancement

Our 100% organic Legacy Foundation product will enrich your soil with or without the use of fertilizer, creating a higher yield and healthier crops.
Soil & Plant ProBiotics™

Legacy FOUNDATION Soil & Plant Probiotics™ is a plant growth enhancer, biological support to plant health and disease resistance, and soil conditioner.

This proprietary blend of carefully selected, naturally occurring soil microbes converts organic and inorganic matter into plant available nutrients. It improves and helps maintain soil health, resulting in improved plant growth, performance and productivity.
Microbial metabolites generated by Legacy FOUNDATION Soil & Plant ProBiotics improve the availability of soil-bound minerals because they work directly in the rhizosphere, the biologically active region surrounding growing roots in the soil.

 The potential to significantly reduce chemical input

It is widely understood that the abuse of farm soil leads to an ever increasing reliance on chemical inputs to solve acute problems like disease and infestations. One way to help reduce dependence on chemical input is to provide nature with a helping hand in restoring health to soils. Legacy FOUNDATION helps produce healthy, nutritious food through the use of nature’s own biology, strategically applied.

  • Improves germination rates

  • Stimulates early emergence

  • Enhances seedling vigor

  • Increases root mass

  • Enhances flowering and fruit production

  • Improves plant health to help resist

    disease and pests

  • Improves soil health by building beneficial soil microbial populations, stimulating healthy biological activity

  • Enhances overall plant growth and performance

Soil & ProBiotics Planting and Technical Data

Legacy FOUNDATION is a stable and highly versatile product that
works in a wide range of both temperature and pH ranges. It is a dry
powder that can be applied directly to the soil, as a seed treatment,
mixed with fertilizers and potting soils, or mixed with water for foliar
spray application. Legacy FOUNDATION can also be used in drip
irrigation, sometimes called fertigation.

Apply 2 lb to 4 lb per acre per crop cycle. (2 kg to 4 kg per hectare)

2 lb per acre at seeding directly into soil or mixed with fertilizer.
May be applied as a foliar spray or by irrigation.

Apply 2 lbs to 4 lbs per acre. Amount applied per acre depends on number of applications.
Initial application
Apply 1 lb to 2 lbs per acre at seeding or transplanting.
Can be applied at the rate of 1 oz per gallon of transplant water, or
as a foliar or drip irrigation application.
Apply at 0.25 to 1lb at 14 to 30 day intervals.

Apply 2 lbs to 4 lbs per acre per crop cycle.
Initial application
Apply 1 lb to 2 lbs per acre in sufficient water to provide uniform coverage. Apply 0.5 to 1 lb per acre every 30 to 60 days.

Apply 100 grams per cubic meter of potting material

Apply 2 lbs per acre per crop cycle.
If multiple applications are used, apply 1 lb per acre initial application, and 0.5 to 1 lb per acre after each cutting, or at 30 day intervals.

Can be used as a seed application, mixed with seed at 4 oz per 100 lb seed.

Store in original container and keep container tightly closed.
Store in a cool, dry place and avoid direct sunlight.
Dispose in accordance with Federal, State, and Local regulations.

A proprietary blend (consortium) of selected strains of naturally occurring Bacillus, at 1×106 CFU of each
strain listed, including Bacillus subtilis, B. megateriam, B. licheniformis, B. polymyxa, B. pumilis, and B. azotofixans, which have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphorus and potassium.
Contains essential amino acids including lysine, glycine, methionine. Contains vitamins including thiamine, riboflavin, biotin; folic acid, dextrose, sucrose.


– All application recommendations are suggestions based on experience. Application rates and results may vary according to environmental conditions, soil types and management practices.
– To the best of our knowledge product applied according to recommendations is safe for soil, water, plants, animals, humans and the environment.
– Legacy BioSolutions LLC makes no guarantees regarding the performance of this product.

Foundation Highlights


1. LEGACY FOUNDATION – Organic broad-spectrum biological probiotic for soil and plants. Helps optimize plant health, increase both quality and quantity of crop harvest, increasing yields while reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers by 25% or more, with no synthetic hormones.

2. LEGACY FOUNDATION can be used as biological seed coating to achieve plant health and vigor from germination, emergence and early growth.

3. LEGACY Fungal and Parasite Control

4. LEGACY Multi-Strain Compost Activator. Speeds elimination of E. Coli and Salmonella. Reduces weed seed growth. Improves plant growth and yield.

5. Legacy Custom Products – Formulated for specific growing conditions, climates, plants, cultivation practices, water quality, more.

Additional Benefits

1. Biological control for undesirable bacteria, fungi, parasites and many unwanted viruses. Custom products.

2. Plant immune system formulation. Helps reduce the need for pesticides of all types by maximizing the plants’ natural immune system and defenses.

3. Drought resistance.

4. Bio-based post-harvest treatment for longer shelf-life.

5.Plant based Broad-Spectrum Disinfectant and Sanitizer.

6. Bio-based Methyl Bromide replacement.

7. Methodology for increasing the efficiency of organic fertilizer production.


Belize Sugarcane


Regarding our industrial and still organic biologicals, we not only increased yield (without a fertilizer) but minimized molds (made a crop more valuable at harvest with less damage and fungicides that need removal), cutting fertilizer costs and made the farmer more money. 

This Foundation test on sugarcane led to a buy with Belize’s sugarcane trade association and a request to sell to various sugarcane producers within the region.

1.7ac WITHOUT FOUNDATION: 11,038 pounds of Biomass per acre 

1.7ac WITH FOUNDATION: 17,773 pounds of Biomass per acre

IMPORT RAW Sugarcane cost =  $0.1977/pound 

11,038 x .1977 = $2182.21

17,772 x .1977 = $3513.52 

Net Increase (minus cost of 2 pounds of FOUNDATION per acre) = $1331.31/acre 

Implemented from 1.7 acres to 880Kac to now 1.34million acres in 6-9 months

We can help various crops this way i.e.  hemp, wheat, bananas, coffee, etc.

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